Why do we think judgement comes only on the wicked? God brings judgement or correction to us when are drifting in a wrong direction. He does this because He has purpose for us and because of His great love to us as sons and daughters. We are not a bastard seed. We have been adopted into His family, whereby we call Him ABBA, Father.
A Father will intervene in His children’s lives to halt the direction which would lead to a disconnect in the relationship with Him. May we all rejoice in the correction of God which leads to a greater growth in our spiritual walk and a clearer pathway to see Him as He is! And may we all not look down on others when God brings correction in their journey with Him. It is part of our evolution and there is no shame in this experience.
So rejoice and rejoice for others, that God loves them enough to care for their growth. Rejoice that He does not leave us in our carnal ways! David was chosen because of his heart and so are you! Jesus learned obedience through the things He suffered.
Refuse to hear the lie of the enemy that God loves you less bc He corrects you. The truth is, He loves you more!! And He has a bigger purpose for your life than you may imagine!
Join us in Sugar Land, TX Every Sunday at 11:30am and 5pm. Life Lessons In The Word every Wednesday at 7pm.
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