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Writer's picturePastor LaCricia Hlavinka

What's Next?

As you may have seen much of what the Lord showed me at the beginning of the year about the election is coming to pass. Firstly, the election results would be delayed and they have. We do not know who the president will be at this time. Secondly, there would be a larger Hispanic vote for Trump than expected. This has been the case as surprising Latino votes cast in Florida and Texas were made, which were unexpected. This really tipped Florida to be a state for Trump. God spoke this to me out of the blue. This was not my opinion. I just reported it. Lastly, at this point, it looks as if one candidate is winning, but it will change.

So last night I posted that the anger will begin at the later part of next week and not on November 3rd as had been assumed by the media and businesses. This will probably be due to the contested results. As you might recall, I felt this would end up in some kind of court to determine who the president will be. I believe there will be a change in the likelihood of who is to be president right before Thanksgiving, maybe the week before. Next week between Thursday and Saturday, we might see some angry folks doing some not so nice things. Because I felt this coming, I rescheduled a meeting where I was to speak in Shreveport to Monday and Tuesday rather than the end of the week. Around this time we may also see large earthquake activity, as well and cities on fire. Rage, destruction, and fire will begin, but remember, the earth belongs to God and our trust is in Him. If you have not given your life to Him, now would be a great time. He loves us immensely and wants to give us a great future. We can trust Him no matter what. I believe Trump will eventually be the USA president at some point, but his inauguration will be very difficult!!!

Please pray for both Trump and Biden. They are both compromised in their physical health and emotionally drained. They both are not at their best. Each of them has secret enemies who wish to destroy them. With Biden, it is in his own camp. No matter who you prefer to be president, they are each God’s creation and He loves them both. Please do not be a part of the hate that is out in the world. As Christians, we should always have God’s perspective.

2020 has been a crazy year, but there is more to come in 2021. The first 3 months of the new year will look good, but there are some things that will happen after that I am not released to share at this time. OUR TRUST IS IN GOD, NOT ANY MAN. Our faith is in God our Father. He has a great plan and we are going to celebrate Him with our brothers and sisters all over the world. We have so much to which to look forward! These are great days for God’s people! STAY IN PRAYER and we hope to see you at the GIVE THANKS CONVENTION!! Love to all!!


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