There’s much threat in the air regarding this holiday weekend. Please be in prayer for America as we cross into treacherous waters over these last 6 months of 2020. Remember, I posted there’s a spirit of anger that is going to grow worse until after the inauguration of the president in 2021. Refrain and do not partake in the bait of Satan. Stay in prayer!! Keep your heart soft.
However, on the other side of the coin, great are the doors for spiritual awareness and growth during this season. Seek the Lord, set aside time to separate yourself unto Him, that your faith be not shaken! Financially, some difficulty may come, but this world is not your source. God is your provider and He will make a way. God provided for Elijah during a famine and He will provide for you. God is not limited to the resources of this world. He brought down manna from heaven in the desert so His people would be nourished as He led them through the wilderness. Water came out of a rock and kept them hydrated. He sees all your needs!
Pray for the protection of your community.
“Through much tribulation, we shall enter in.”