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Writer's picturePastor LaCricia Hlavinka

2019 Prophetic Word

The year of transition - some through destruction and difficulties but all for divine purposes. 9, as in 2019, is the number of endings and the number of The Spirit of God. Both will be evident this year. The 9 fruits of the Spirit are also important during this time.

Earthquakes, natural disasters in January and February, Volcanic activity and earthquakes throughout the year;At least 1 serious terrorist attack in the United States 2019 (summer?) and/or a possible huge event/occurrence at the end of 2019, December, or beginning of 2020, that will affect the world; a possible attack or a change in Jerusalem this year (possibly in August, 9th of Av); downturn in US economy/ stock market as March/ April may be shaky; terrible tornadoes and again extreme flooding; uprising and protest all over the world (especially US and Europe); repositioning of government and changing of laws; Immorality of individuals having to do with government may face justice. France and Germany are particularly challenged in politics and finances, with rioting and anger; in USA, Trump remains in office, but has much opposition and health issues because of the stress taking a toll, much political tensions remain nationally/ internationally for USA and rather grows worse during the summer months. This reminds me of a time in the ’60s, where history tells us of all the protesting, assassinations, anger, even in China because there were changes at hand in the government. China will have its differences with USA; We are in a government and spiritual (religion)shift all over the world. Germany and the USA will suffer the most in this arena, but it will all have a purpose by God. Laws in the USA are going to change; one law that will be overturned is the abortion ruling, also, this summer possible legal scandal with higher courts; possible devastation in summer months also.

Months of March, April, June, July, August, & December could be months of challenge. It will not be an easy year for America. Unrest remains nationally and internationally, tension builds, natural disasters continue and major terrorist attack(s) is at hand. Other parts of the world will be challenged: Europe, Turkey, as well as others. By 2020, life may be very different as 2019 begins a change or transition. But on the other side of these matters lie a year of....LOVE, RESTORATION, SALVATION, NEW BEGINNINGS AND SUPERNATURAL REVELATIONS!

So much to say here: Separately, God is going to move for His church, greatly, with divine favor. The leading of His Spirit shall guide us into all things sacred and beautiful. God wants us to know His goodness and meditate on it.

He is going to reveal facets of Himself as never before both personally and corporately. Manifestations of His glory and His love will consume gatherings. Reports of personal encounters and visitations will be heralded throughout the world from all countries!

In our 2018 New Year’s Eve morning service, we were visited by the Lord with His great presence of LOVE, it consumed us and the atmosphere. People attending the evening service who were not present that morning, commented on the palpable love they felt which was still tangible, lingering from the morning service. Newcomers said they had never felt so much love in any church before. A few days later, I had a dream. God spoke to me in the dream and told me this would be one of the manifestations of Himself to which we would witness in many meetings beginning this year. Healing would also occur in these Holy atmospheres.

An Elijah anointing shall begin to arise out of a remnant, bringing restoration of fathers to sons and sons to fathers in the natural sense as well as spiritual. This is going to be a year like never before as God’s people will be having spiritual encounters and visitations. We will learn so much of God and we shall begin to hear His voice very distinctly. The salvation of many shall come into fruition including a true revival of family members. And God will use many of His children to bring in a harvest of souls. This will increase from this time forward. Time shall accelerate and many promises God has given shall seemingly be fulfilled overnight. New levels of revelations of the Kingdom and prophetic insights beyond any gift we have walked in until this time shall emerge. Especially children 9 years old and younger, who are called by God, shall start moving in a prophetic realm. They will be game changers now and the years to come. This is already occurring in our church!

Relationships and situations that do not serve us well in this new era shall be no longer. So as God has the new for His people, we must be willing to let the old go. We will find ourselves among more like-minded individuals with similar callings and hunger. New levels of marriages and new marriages will be put together by the Holy Spirit over the next 7 years.

At the beginning of this year, God told me to have a 3-day meeting of which involved much repentance and putting aside old ways and habits that did not serve us well. Particular expectations of God were given to us for 2019 and beyond, during the meetings. Much of this involved walking in the fruit of the Spirit and manifesting a new dimension of His love. This is absolutely necessary for His people, because judgment is here, and it is at the HOUSE of the Lord. There are those of whom have not repented and this year will not fare well for them. God is cleansing His true church and a powerful Pentecostal move is coming and increasing! In 2001, through a mighty visitation, God spoke to me and told me America would be attacked, it would lead to war. Then He said, Egypt (the worlds system) is going down, but My people are coming up! We will see government being brought down and God’s agenda with God’s people will come up! I prophesied this on Sept 2,2001, in a Sunday evening service. A few days later we were attacked on Tuesday -9/11. This is the ending of an era and a beginning of a new time in God! I’ve told people not to trust in the government since that time, God has His own government that is on His shoulders. And it shall arise!

It shall also be a year God will deal with our enemies. But vengeance is His and we must continue to walk in love and forgiveness. We are in a new season, building to a crescendo of His glory. He is building His church to carry His glory and the world to behold it!

He has also told me the age of the gentiles is coming to a close, which means He will begin to unveil Himself to the Jews, people of whom rejected Him since His first appearing through His Son, Jesus. He will unblind those of whom He blinded some 2,000 years ago. They missed their day of visitation because they thought they could see but pride deceived them and they denied Jesus. Now is their hour that He will once again return to them!

This is a marvelous time and will only increase over the next few years!! But the powers of darkness will also increase and persecution will be a part of our lives as well. But all who serve the Lord will have persecution.

Look for many loved ones to be saved!!! So many great things God has for the repented and obedient this year! He will raise up new disciples and use His faithful in amazing ways. We will all grow in our spiritual walk in leaps and bounds as we continue in obedience. He will reveal more of Himself to the hungry. But He will also no longer put up with the murmuring and complaining of people who refuse to change. We must walk in humility and faith!

We are entering into the beginnings of some of the greatest years of our lives. It will be challenging but God will be with us in a new way and His glory shall fill the earth. If you want to know Him, hear Him, walk with Him— these are requests He will answer beginning this year! This is my heart and I am excited to enter into a higher place with Him!♥️

“Ye shall walk in the ways which the Lord your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that ye may prolong your days in the land which ye shall possess.”Duet 6:33

The possession of the land includes prosperity, success, and growth in what we put our hand to do for the obedient! The blessing of the Lord maketh rich and adds no sorrow!

I will be posting more as the Lord reveals it to me this year. As you view the 2018 prophetic word posted on this page, you can see how it all came to pass!

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