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Big Thanks To All Who Volunteered

We had a powerful service on Sunday! And great volunteers to assist in assembling the tables and trash cans on Saturday! What an experience it is to see the body of Christ come together and labor with such joy, sowing their efforts toward the house of the Lord!

As one member expressed, “just coming on to the property- there is so much peace", and another, “it felt so good to see so many volunteers working together".

We had young and old alike pitching in and doing whatever was necessary. Now we have tables and seating to sit under the trees and study God’s Word, pray, fellowship, share a meal together and even have a Bible study!

We are cleaning our parking lot, assembling tables, working on the fence and electric gate. Each and every person bringing their gifts to serve the Lord! Here are pics of just a few of the people who labored among us!

God is moving and our services have been so powerful! Many prophetic words are being fulfilled and many testimonies have been coming in. The service was awesome yesterday, and everyone felt His tangible presence. 20 new people joined the church in the morning and evening service. We praise God for a unity of people who desire His will in their lives.

Don’t forget this Wednesday 5-7pm we are hosting a NIGHT OUT event with Houston’s professional soccer teams- both the DYNAMO and DASH teams will be at our church. Lots of entertainment for the youth & signing of autographs.

And we are debuting our HIGHER PURPOSE SPORTS CLUB. Come out and be a part!! Bible study will follow for all ages at 7:00. There will also be people at the event to pray for you and/or you can leave a prayer request! God is encouraging His people and answering prayer! God is good!

See ya Wednesday beginning @5:00!

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