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Prophetic Insight On Current Political Tension

We have seen the tension with China and tariffs arise the past couple of weeks, as well as the stock market take a down turn - all prophesied at the beginning of the year.

“Much political tension remains nationally/internationally for USA and rather grows worse during the summer months. This reminds me of a time in the ’60s, where history tells us of all the protesting, assassinations, anger, even in China because there were changes at hand in the government. China will have its differences with USA; We are in a government and spiritual (religion)shift all over the world.

Months of March, April, June, July, August, & December could be months of challenge. It will not be an easy year for America. Unrest remains nationally and internationally, tension builds, natural disasters continue and major terrorist attack(s) is at hand”...”downturn in the stock market”.

Massive flooding, earthquakes, and tornadoes still dominated the news as foretold in January, 2019.

But don’t worry, God is going to make a way for those who put their trust in Him and seek first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness . We are moving into some prosperous times as God exalts His nation of believers to carry out the work of the gospel. A blessing to all those faithful givers!



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